This post was guest blogged by Alan Johnson, who teaches you how to build a profitable website in 10 days over at The Rating Blog
There is no point to try and go easy on you so that I’ll get right to the point: I, as the visitor, could care less about how much you have worked on a certain website or what sacrifices where necessary on your part. If your website is worth it, I’ll stick around and will most definitely return, but if not, then rest assured: I will leave and never look back.
If you are one of those webmasters who seems to wonder why convincing visitors to return is such a challenge, here are the top 7 reasons why I (and probably many others) forgot about your website:
1 – A far too complicated domain name
Sorry to burst your bubble there, but I really do have a million things on my mind, and if you expect me to remember your “” domain name, then you will be in for quite a disappointed.
2 – A dull template which everyone is using as well
If you are using one of those dull templates which you can find just about anywhere, then all you’re doing is providing your visitors with yet another reason to forget about your website.
3 – A bad title
If you want me to remember your website then you had better make sure that you make it clear what it is all about right form the start, and having a “this is John Doe’s blog”-type title isn’t going to get you anywhere. If your title doesn’t reflect what your website is all about then the chances of people not forgetting about it are slim to none.
4 – Absolutely horrible content
I don’t know how to break it to you but: if I come across a website with absolutely awful content, then I actually want to forget about it as fast as possible so that, obviously, I will leave and never look back.
5 – Bad navigation
Once again, if finding something on your website is next to impossible and if you don’t do your best in order to help me make the most out of my experience as a visitor, I won’t exactly be thrilled to come back, and, as such, it’s only a matter of time until I end up forgetting that your website even existed.
6 – Not enough updates
If you provide quality updates on a daily basis, I will visit on a daily basis. If you only provide updates once a week then, guess what: I’ll only have a valid reason to drop by once a week, Let’s just say that, if you post less frequently, people will visit less frequently and, as a result, they are more likely to forget about your website and drop that habit altogether.
7 – Nothing which makes you stand out
Even if your website is not what one would call horrible, I will, in most cases, still forget abut it if you don’t manage to provide something which sets you apart. “Not bad” is a term which isn’t going to get you anywhere, be sure to keep that in mind.
What about you? What makes forget that a certain website even existed?
前两天在Jowh Chow那里看到一篇文章:《 7 reasons why I forgot about your website》我觉得非常不错,这篇文章提醒了我们:什么样的博客容易被遗忘。我把它意译成了中文,在这里和博友们一起探讨,借鉴。
1 .A far too complicated domain name.
2. A dull template which everyone is using as well.
3. A bad title
如果想要别人记住你的博客,那么最好能让他们容易的从你的博客名,副标题中明确这是一个谈论什么的博客,一个像“this is John Doe’s blog”这样的名称并不能反映任何主题,因此很容易被别人淡忘。
4. Bad navigation.
在一个”导航能力”较差的博客中寻找他一个月前的一篇文章是多么痛苦的事情,假设它没有存档页,分类,不支持搜索… 所以为读者做好”导航工作”是非常重要的细节.
5. Absolutely horrible content.
6. Not enough updates.
如果你每天都提供有价值的内容,那么我会每天来看一次; 如果你每周更新一次,那么有可能我每周来看一次; 如果你每月更新一次, 那么谁能保证下个月我还能记得你的博客?^.^
7. Nothing which makes you stand out.
即使以上的都做到了,但你的博客没有任何特色,仍然很容易被人忘记。因此让你的博客与众不同是成为一个优秀blogger的关键 。要知道“Not bad”是不够的,”stand out”才能让别人喜欢阅读你的博客。