1. 分析构架 (一、设计分析 二、排版(内容)构建)
2. 模块拆分
3. 整体调整
Who are U: user profile — demo graphic — details (age/gender/income)
Why are U coming to the site: user scenario — psychographics(personality/values/attitudes/interests)
How does the site fit into U daily life: contextual — behavioral — useage/loyal/life style
the challenge for the web designer is to adapt and learn to make the best of end-less determition.
web site are not just marketing tools for the corporate world – they are focal points that enable businesses. to stay at the cutting edge in competitive markets.
无意中下载到了这本关于网页美工设计的电子书。这本书生动描述了国外(美国)web设计界的主流理念。对平面设计,web UI,视觉传达,都有很透彻的讲解。图文并茂,值得拜读。
下载地址: 继续阅读
“标注”的使用[ 跟chart框类似的注解]
Main rules of IBM design, digest form official webpage
The most compelling design solutions are ones that are simple, natural to use, and completely in tune with users’ needs and experiences. Achieving these solutions in the design of technology products and e-business applications requires building a multi-disciplinary team, tapping resources such as published research, guidelines, standards, and involving users throughout the design process. Here we present a number of processes and provide resources for achieving compelling designs. 继续阅读
打开 我的电脑--工具--文件夹选项--文件类型,找到“驱动器”或“文件夹”(具体选哪个根据你所遇问题,若属于双击打不开驱动器则选择“驱动器”,打不开文件夹则选择“文件夹”)。点下方的“高级”,在“编辑文件类型”对话框里的“新建”,操作里填写“open”(这个可随意填写,如果有“open”且指向的是其他陌生的.exe文件则有可能指向的是木马,则选择“编辑”),用于执行操作的应用程序里填写explorer.exe,确定。随后返回到“编辑文件类型”窗口,选中“open”,设为默认值,确定。现在再打开分区或文件夹看下,是不是已恢复正常?
A good booke about web deisgn & CSS . download the E-Book for a long time, but just start read today.
● You just want to get Web design jobs done, not sit aroundlistening to airy theory about complex selector inheritance and such.
● unlike some other books about CSS (which must remain nameless —they know who they are!), this book is written in plain, clear English.
● The primary trend in nearly all industries today is toward making do with less: fewer workers, less time to complete tasks, and stretching resources as much as possible. This trend demands improved productivity.
1. Never engage in an argument or oppose the person who holds your cheque; he/she is probably more concerned about the outcome of your design than yourself.
永不与付款给你的人争论或对抗,他/她们肯定比你更关心设计后的结果。 继续阅读