web standards creativity
● we need to be sure that the document (XHTML plus content) is Semantic Structure, Website Presentation separated from the presentation (CSS and decorative images).
● With all presenta-tional material kept separate from the markup, site-wide style changes can be made with little or no fuss. We just need to amend a single CSS file, rather than having to update every page in the site, making wholesale redesigns a veritable breeze. Equally important is the facility for users to take control of the content themselves by applying their own style sheet to the website, if desired.
● it remains accessible on mobile andprint devices
● content management system (CMS)
● Web standards are about improved control over your design, not maintaining bulky code. Embrace your body, and your sites will be easier to maintain, update, and improve. And, of course, your users will love that.
● bridges the gap between design and code.
● For last 1 year, I worked as a senior designer for the WF, designing websites and web applications–
● visual elements